Boulder Creek High School Choir Uniform Policies Uniform Policies:
1. Each student is responsible for signing a BCHS Uniform Contract.
2. Uniforms cannot be purchased and must be returned at the end of each school year.
3. A $100.00 onetime uniform rental fee is required at the time of registration for EACH Choir a student is enrolled. 4. Uniform fees roll over each year and are non-refundable rental fees.
5. Prior students who have added additional choir classes to their schedule will need to pay a $100 rental fee for each additional choir class added to their schedule.
6. All students are responsible for all alterations and costs.
7. All students are responsible for additional uniform items. (See Uniform Requirements).
8. Uniform cannot be stored in the choir room.
9. Students and parents are expected to examine uniforms at least a week prior to a concert to assure that the student’s uniform is properly altered (hemmed). Garments that are too long will become ripped and frayed and may be deemed unusable next season. The student will be assessed a uniform damage fee if dress/pants are frayed.
10. Failure to hem pants or dress length will result in student not performing.
11. All uniform inquiries are to be directed to
12. If a student misplaces any uniform piece, it is his or her responsibility to contact .
13. Student will be charged an additional uniform deposit of $100.00 and the replacement value of the items lost. If it can’t be replaced at the time of performance, student will not be allowed to perform.
14. Scholarship/payment plans are available; please contact Choir Director(s).
Uniform Return Policies:
1. All uniforms must be returned, dry-cleaned, in a dry-cleaning bag with dated receipt, and students name clearly marked on receipt.
2. All uniform pieces need to be on separate hangers and in separate dry-cleaning bags.
3. Students who do not dry-clean their uniform will be assessed a cleaning fee of $25.00 per item. Fee will be charged to student’s school account.
4. If a student fails to return their uniform a charge for the full replacement value of the uniform will be posted to the student's school account.
5. If student is late returning uniform a $10.00 a day late fee will be charged to the students account up to 3 days from posted return uniform date. If uniform is not returned by 3 days from return date the student will be charged the full value of the uniform, and the late fee.
6. In the event that a uniform is damaged beyond repair, the student will be charged the full replacement value of the uniform and a fee will be posted to the student's school account.
7. All alterations must be removed upon return except hems.
8. In the event that the student ceases to be a member of the BCHS Choir and/or a student at Boulder Creek HS (withdraw etc.), it is the students responsibility to IMMEDIATELY return the uniform to the BCHS Choir Director(s), and to contact Failure to do so will result in the full uniform value being placed on student’s school account.
9. Students who enroll one semester of choir will be given a date and time to return their uniform at the end of the semester. DO NOT RETURN IT TO THE CHOIR ROOM. It will be placed in lost and found and your student account will be assessed the value of the uniform.